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Build and Protect the Business, Because You’re Paying For It

It’s the story we see time and time again, witnessing the growth of entrepreneurs starting to build and protect the business with years of blood, sweat and tears:

  1. They train and develop their sales and service personnel

  2. They instill the desire in their team members to exceed client expectations

  3. They encourage individuals to grow and advance their professional lives

Sounds great – a win-win for everyone, right?

So, what happens when a team member either jumps ship to work with a competitor or venture out on their own?

In both scenarios, they are leaving your organization with skills developed through your training AND more importantly with your organization’s contact list all contained within their personal cell phone.

How can this happen?

In today’s business economy, owning your data is absolutely essential. Control it: because you’re paying for it!

Entrepreneurs Beware

In the world of business, the people who were once your greatest allies can sometimes become your fiercest competitors. Former employees know your business, they know your customers and they know how to best adapt the two to one another. This combination can make for a dangerous weapon if the employee is fired or quits and decides to use their knowledge and your assets elsewhere.

When sales or service people move on, they often take their contacts with them. Does this mean you need to lose all the valuable business contacts they’ve made during their time at the company, getting paid to acquire and/or service them? NO!

Business owners reserve the right to build and protect the business (all aspects of it) and look at the contents of all incoming and outgoing work emails. To take it further, business owners can now reserve the right to monitor customer interactions and maintain the work-related activities on mobile phones as well.

Evolving Technology – The new STRATA7 Mobile App

Today’s technology is helping businesses monitor and manage business contacts and communications from employees with ease. Communication systems are constantly evolving…but what about when employees use their mobile phone?

Ready to take more control of your business data? Our team is ready to help you secure your most valuable business asset – your data.

The key to thriving in the new hybrid-mobile workforce economy is maintaining the same level of employee productivity and the quality of the customer experience. It’s easy to monitor and control these things from within the walls of the office while employee desk phones. Using the STRATA7 manager portal, supervisors and managers now have the same tools to ensure productivity and quality while their teams are working remotely. Take control of all of your company communications.

  1. STRATA7 has released its new Mobile App that is available to use on any iOS or Android phone or tablet. Just download the STRATA7 Mobile App from the app store and any iPhone or Android-based cell phone or tablet becomes an extension of your company phone system running on the STRATA7 platform.

  2. The STRATA7 Mobile App integrates your company desk phones and your employees’ mobile devices so the phone number your customer will see is your employee’s work phone number, not their personal cell phone number.

  3. The STRATA7 Mobile App turns an employee’s cell phone into an extension of their company desk phone to work smarter…together.

Employees remain connected to the company phone system and will become more productive and efficient whether they are in the office or working remotely. The STRATA7 Mobile App delivers all calls on one device and the phone number. Plus, when using the STRATA7 Mobile App when making calls or when returning missed calls, your customer will see is your employee’s work number, not their personal cell number. Your business always looks professional, and your team is always reachable and responsive – no matter where they are.

The STRATA7 Mobile App also limits the disruption to your customers, prospects, and sales cycles. When an employee leaves their position, your business maintains all its customer contacts, call records and text messages. You also limit the possibility of saying good-bye to a sale or to a customer relationship, while you get the new employee off to a faster and smoother start. This prepares you for the inevitable, and provides you insurance against the inevitable.

You own your employees business related emails, You can NOW own your Employees business related cell phone calls, contacts and texts!


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